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Becoming a foster carer - blog series by DT

As a newly approved foster carer, DT has written a number of amazing blogs, taking us step by step through the process of becoming a foster carer, right from making that initial decision right through to being matched with her first child.

In this incredible blog series, DT takes us on a journey through the highs and lows of becoming a foster carer. Follow her story from making that initial decision, right through to being matched and settling a young person into her home. DT has a wonderful way of writing that makes you feel like you're sat having a lovely cup of tea with her. If you are considering becoming a foster carer and have come across this page, we very highly recommend that you make yourself that cup of tea, settle back and read DT's journey from start to finish. You will find out from a very personal perspective about the process to becoming a foster carer.

Step 1 - The Decision

It took a pandemic for me to make the best decision of my life, to apply to become a foster carer with Capstone Foster Care. I saw people doing so much for others and felt I needed to do more... read more

Step 2 - The Initial Enquiry and Visit

I hit send to the Capstone’s Facebook Ad to start my fostering journey and within 5 minutes I had received a reply.

I was asked a series of very straightforward questions... read more

Step 3 - The Application

The “thumbs up” from Capstone was via a voicemail message received on the 29th September 2020 at 19:16 and I was asked to have a think about it and let them know if I wanted to proceed to the application form stage. Without hesitation I sent an email to Leona saying “yes!”... read more

Step 4 - Skills To Foster Training

Capstone’s training was going to be held virtually via Teams due to the pandemic, so I asked if I could have another family member present to join in. Fiona said “yes”, and that was worthwhile as we both got so much out of it, learning together, as fostering does impact on the whole family... read more

Step 5 - The Assessment

The assessment process started in November 2020. I expected it to be tough because at the end of it, someone would be telling me that I either had the potential to become a foster carer, or that I didn’t which would have felt devastating... read more

Step 6 - The Assessment, Part 2

The assessment continued throughout December 2020 with fortnightly meetings and regular email correspondence. My assessing social worker was also busy gathering references, not only of the people I live with, but also three other family members... read more 

Step 7 - The Panel

During the next two weeks I signed off the Form F which was then sent to the panel members two weeks prior to my panel date, where I would me with a panel to discuss my suitability to become a foster carer... read more

Step 8 - The Final Decision

I woke up the day after the panel meeting and felt that, although I hadn’t had the final approval from Capstone’s decision maker, I needed to get ready for the arrival of a child... read more 

Step 9 - Following Approval

Becoming an approved foster carer had been an immense experience and I initially felt ready to have a placement here straight away. In truth, I probably was glad of the few weeks break... read more

Step 10 - The Matching Process

A few weeks passed by and people kept asking me, “any news?”. I started to wonder if I would end up being the most trained foster carer who never had a child. A bit dramatic, I admit! But I was so eager to be able to start helping a child... read more

Step 11 - Being Matched

The thing about fostering is that you never know how your life is going to change when you pick up a call from your social worker. That happened to me on the 8th July 2021, when I was asked if I was interested in being put forward to care for a 14 year young man who was living in residential care.. read more

Step 12 - Settling In

We started the transition planning meeting. It was strange that B still didn’t know that I existed at this point, and yet within two hours the social worker would visit him and give him the news and show him the photos we had prepared the day before... read more

Pets/Animals and Fostering

I was actually sitting in the goat field during the first lockdown when I made the decision to find out about fostering. I knew I wanted to do more. I had been fortunate that my life had turned out well, despite some bad choices when I was young... read more

Spare Room - How my spare room has helped a 14 year old boy

Every day, I feel so privileged to be a foster carer. The things I have learnt, the way I have changed as a person and the times we spend together. There is also a feeling that I’m glad I was able to offer a place in my home, that I had a spare room and I have given my home and heart to a super young more

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Ways to

Start the conversation today. Our team of friendly advisors are on hand to answer any foster care questions you may have. We can offer you honest and practical advice that can help you decide if becoming a foster carer is the right path for you. 

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